Monday, February 23, 2009

2nd Day In School, And It's Fun Already

Here I am, in school, at 8.43am, on the second day of school. And it's already fun.

I was supposed to have a class at 9.15, which is soon, but since i still have time, i figured i'll chat with some friends and stuff, u know, small talk. Well, as it turns out, they have a class at 8.30, which makes me the earliest to arrive for a class that's not gonna start for another 45 minutes. So after they all got in their class, i was all alone(boohoo). I figured i'll just wash up in the gent's room(or generally called the toilet). So there I was, washing my face, doing my hair, and the stuff. I heard some sounds, which seemed to be a bunch of girls, and i suddenly picked up a conversation saying that one of the girls is going to wash up.

Right then I thought the little scenario has ended. But was I wrong, or was i wrong.

2 seconds later, i turned my head and found myself face to face with a girl. In the gent's room.


I thought, "Oh shit is this the ladies room??" and I turned around to check. To my relief, it isn't. It's the gents. Which basically means......

The girl must've realised her mistake when she saw me, and went out half screaming"THE GENT'S ROOM!", half crying, half laughing. Talk about rojak emotions. Then she talked really fast to her girls, "There's a boy in the room! Why didn't you tell me i was going into the gent's room!" and so on.

I was half embarrased, half amused. So i finished up my washing, and was just about to leave, when i figured the poor girl must still be outside. So i waited, so she can go away ana both of us won't feel so embarrased. Sure enough, after she walked a few meters back, I emerged from the toilet and went for the opposite direction. Her girls are laughing their heads off, and she was hanging her head so low i can't even see her face. Well, she WAS kind of cute.

It must be flat out embarrasing for her to do smth like that like first thing in the morning. But, it just started my day with a bang, and i'm still smiling now when i'm imagining her cries/laughter/screams and the such.

Oh yeah, almost forgot - HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: It's 8.56am, so i figured i'll just go over to class first to get ready. And there's the most important part of the blog - MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA(i have no idea why i put in the 'mwa', which makes it an evil maniacal laugh, but it seemed like a good idea, so there it goes.) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! it's 8.57am. will sign off now.


  1. LOL~!!!!! Interesting experience!!!!
    I thought u will end up with entering the wrong 'room'. HA!

  2. i thought so too... believe me, i thought so too... but luckily i didnt. unlike that girl. haha
