Sunday, February 22, 2009

Well, here I am!! (finally)

After 1 extra year of high school and a whole lot of soul-searching, angst, hatred, drama and whatnot, well, here i am - Canning College, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way, The Galaxy, The Middle Of Nowhere.

Well, after arriving at the Perth airport, complaining about the horrible airline service that Airasia provides(which requires a fee for everything, and when i say everything, believe me, i mean EVERYTHING, short of the toilet) for half an hour or so, i find myself in a whole new place, in a whole new world, with a whole new life. Ahhh... the newness... there's just smth special about smth new, no?

Which basically meant i have to start everything from scratch... again. New computer(yay!) means i have to start recollecting all the previous stuff(junk) that i saved up in my last computer. New school means i have to start meeting and knowing new people and trying to form a connection with all those people out there(which i had just accomplished back in Sibu... WTF/H), and getting to know new teachers all over again(believe me, my past experience wasn't exactly nice, but it's ok. But horrible. I mean nice. I mean horrible and nice at the same time.).

Other than that, I've lost all my games, I missed orientation, I'm missing a home to live in(currently staying in my aunt's house, really nice, but with the activ-iest kids i have ever seen. And loudest too), I haven't got my bank account opened, my Medicare's undone, i haven't got my traveling card thing and i have to use a few bucks of cash to travel everytime, I have to get up at like 7 in the morning cus i'm not sure of the time needed to get to school(1 or 2 hours??!! JUST SHOOT ME), I haven't got the visa sticker thing in my passport, I could only get on the internet from school, my phone still sucks(but not for long), i'm incredibly low on expendable cash, i got no friends here(except Alvin), and I already have a presentation lined up, though it's only my first day in school(WTF). YEP, EVERYTHING IS JUST FINE. EVERYTHING IS GOING ON SMOOTHLY, SO DON'T PANIC!(AAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!)

Yeah, but meeting up with Alvin was nice, living in a new environment is nicer, getting a new laptop was nicer-er, and no NAGGING behind my ear's the nicest(SRY MOM!). For once, classes that are actually useful in life are great(for now), teachers are friendly(i think), cafeteria food sucks(as ALWAYS. what is it with cafeteria and bad food? ) And getting a whole group of girls as presentation partners - not so nice(since i'll have to be the one doing the presenting, i think).

Hmmm, got class at 3.45 later, but it's only 2.32, so i guess i'll rave and rant more.

Who would have thought that sun burns would sting so much?! Oh right, the sun burns. I joined my sister on a barbeque at King's Park(magnificent view, but too hot to notice) yesterday with the CCC(Church... Campus... Christian... Curtin... thing... smth or the other ), and i was playing frisbee with the guys and gals. Who would have thought frisbee could turn halfway in the air?! I fell like a gezillion times, got burned by the sun, got laughed at like an idiot, fell more, burned more, got laughed more, and ate then went home. I have been sunburnt before, but NEVER this serious I think. My whole arm was like, red. Barbeque pork red. And everyone was laughing, and falling, and laughing some more. It was nice. But I find myself too tired to go to church the next day(I'm not the church going kind of guy, btw).

Whew, a whole wall of words and it's only 2.42. I must be seriously slow when typing. I think. Ah well, I'll just rave and rant more then. LoL.

There's computers in the school library, which I am using now(try to learn this CHS, we don't need newer computers, we need MORE computers, and better internet connection). So... attending Bachelor of Commerce now, and I think I'm gonna major in Finance(Investing), and Asian Business. I'm currently considering Business law after i graduated Master, BUT we'll see how it goes. I'll have to start packing my own lunch, since my pocket isn't deep enough to support cafeteria food(talk about hitting rock bottom).

Ah well, this is life, and I'm not suppoosed to be complaining, so I'll just stop with the ranting and sign off. Oh, it's 2.52 btw.


  1. Frisbee?它会自己转回来是丢的技巧,我玩了一年多还学不会那一招:)

  2. heyyy u found it~ haha XD. yeah, it's friggin frustrating when it just turns halfway right... so annoying. anyways, gratz on becoming the first to visit my blog XD.

  3. HAHAHA!!! Is CCM K?!! Campus Christian Movement... How's ur arms? still good? Better let me know if it's getting worse! Lalalala~~~~

  4. i found tht u had a good sense of humour wtf
    i laughed until i dropped dead when i read this wtf
    its 1.51am now.
    bed time..
    good night ;)
